Pattern No.87: The fight against the franchise and the chain store.


Click 1 to 9 for the many small
shops in this French town


Christopher Alexander observes, "When shops are too large, or controlled by absentee owners, they become bland and abstract". It's the basis of Pattern No.87, 'Individually Owned Shops'. This is one of the bustling streets of Riquewihr, a small town in Alsace, France. It's typical of many of France's small medieval towns where the ancient protected buildings are too small and wonky for supermarket chains and franchises to dismantle and shoehorn in their model businesses.


Ever increasing demand for profits create a tendency for shops to become larger. The larger they are the less personal their service is, and the more standardised their products become. Communities can only halt the spread of monoculture products and services if they prohibit all forms of franchise and chain stores placing limits on the size of stores in their neighbourhoods. The leaders of large chain stores and franchises care more for their shareholders than the communities they serve while slowly killing variety, quality and personal service.

Alexander recommends that you, "Do what you can to encourage the development of individually owned shops. Approve applications for business licences only if the business is owned by those people who actually work and manage the store."

Towns like Riquewihr attract millions of visitors to France. Click on numbers 1-9 above to see a selection of the traditional small shop signs from the many small independent shops and businesses that make Riquewihr such an interesting and vibrant place to live.