Hydraulic Ram Pumps, a brief introduction.



A hydraulic ram pump or hydram is a water-powered pump which uses the energy from a large flow of water dropping through a small distance to lift a small percentage of the water to a much higher level. Other than the power provided by the source water, the pump needs no additional energy input. It is a cheap and reliable solution to delivering water but wastes 80-90% of the water from the source feed.


The ram pump has only two moving parts, the valves, which makes it mechanically very simple and highly reliable. It needs minimal maintenance and has a long lifespan (see video 2). Video No.1 above is an animated explanation on how a ram pump works including details of its advantages and disadvantages. Video No.2 shows a ram pump in operation and No.3 is part 1 of a 2 part explanation of the things you must consider in the design and installation of a ram pump. It's a good idea to check your calculations before building and installing your pump. For a practical guide to the installation and operation of a ram pump, as well as describing the operation and the factors affecting its performance we (and the Centre for Alternative Technology) recommend the book Hydraulic Ram Pumps (right).