Timber Framing: Immortal techniques anyone can learn.



Since wood is one of the most versatile and arguably one of the most sustainable and thus important building materials on the planet it should be in any natural builder's interest to learn and safeguard the ancient techniques of timber framing.


Where Do I Start?

The best way to learn is to buy the most important timber framing tools that you need and one or two really good books on the subject and start chipping away at some pieces of timber to at least get the gist of the craft. There are also quite a few experts in the field today that offer timber framing workshops from time to time where one can dive deeper into the subject. You could also join a timber framing guild to meet active timber framers across the world and stay updated on workshops and courses. Most if not all people can learn how to build timber frames but it takes a professional to teach you how, so connecting with people with long experience is essential if you plan to learn the necessary skills.