The Shinmei-zukuri Architecture of Japan



The architecture, Shinmei-zukuri (神明造), of this Japanese temple is 1,300 years old. The temple is architecturally the oldest existing timber frame structure in the world. It has been rebuilt every 20 years (known as shikinen sengu) throughout its history as a part of the Shinto belief of the death and renewal of nature and the impermanence of all things (wabi-sabi). This cycle of renewal has preserved the traditional building techniques from one generation to the next. The shrine hall is rebuilt in exactly the same way using the same techniques.


The old material replaced during rebuilding is sent to other shrines all over Japan for recycling, so there is no waste.

The Ise Jingu shrine is surrounded by 300 year old cedar and cypress trees. During one part of Japan's history as many as 10% of Japan's population visited the shrine which was earlier the reserve of warriors and aristocrats. The design is modelled on the rice granaries from the Yayoi period (300 BC to AD 300).

The following is a conversation about Ise Jingu with a short documentary about the shrine between 0:30 and 3:50 in this 6:50 minute video

  The Ise Jingu Shrine, Japan  

The Ise Jingu Shrine, Japan