A natural home built by a poor community in Lincolnshire, England


This is a late 17th century 'Mud and Stud' cottage in the beautiful Lincolnshire Wolds of England. You can find Mud and Stud homes in Jamestown, Virginia, USA built there by British colonists. Mud and stud is similar to 'wattle and daub' but the mud (clay, sand and straw) is supported by vertical riven lathes (riven: split with the grain) nailed to horizontal rails between the posts of an elm frame.


The elm frame is a series of upright posts (studs) placed at about 2m (6ft) intervals. The mud (daub) covers the whole framework. The exterior is painted with lime-wash which would have been given an animal fat or linseed oil additive for weatherproofing. The mud and stud sits on a low plinth of stone which provides protection from rainwater at the base of the walls.

These timber-framed homes may have been less solidly built than their medieval counterparts but despite that they continue to be used as homes nearly 400 years later. These homes were for ordinary people, built with the support of local communities who could not afford to pay the skilled timber journeymen of the day. Simple earth and timber structures like this are found around England's East Lincolnshire, Lancashire and Cumberland counties. This house is owned by the Vivat Trust.