A tiny 10m2 (107 sq.ft.) thatched cob house in Denmark for just $500.


This is the beautiful work of Bjarne Wickstrom in Gislev, Denmark. Bjarne is a natural builder who specialises in Rorvøv (an interwoven reed lath), clay plastering, cob and straw bale building, thatching and masonry stoves. Just about all those skills have gone into making this beautiful little house (10 m2 or 107 sq.ft.) for his son Mikkel. It's built entirely from local materials even down to the exterior plaster of clay with horse droppings and a final coat of lime. Inside you will find a heated sleeping bench and a very happy boy, now a bit older.


All in all the tiny home cost about 3,500 Krone ($500).not including the hours invested building which were a few hours a day during weekends and holidays and a workshop which lasted 7 days. Bjarne estimates the total effort was about 50 man-days (400 working hours). He says that with the help of family and friends it is possible for most people to build a tiny house like this without craftsman, training or experience. He says there is always someone you know who is a carpenter, bricklayer or thatcher that you can ask for advice. If you don't have someone to ask nearby then you can always get good advice from a reliable online natural building group like Talking Natural Homes.


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