Pattern Language No.104 'Site Repair' and the DiaoJiaoLou of China.


It is a typical temptation to build your new home on the best site within a plot of land where the grass is greenest, the soil most fertile and in the sunniest spot. On a wider scale new settlements are built on the most pleasant hillside. In other words, if you are going to build a house find the nicest spot... WRONG! "Buildings must always be built on those parts of the land which are in the worst condition, not the best", Alexander


These are homes of the Miao people of Xijiang village, Guizhou, China. They are called DiaoJiaoLou (吊脚楼, literally 'hanging foot floor'). The wooden homes are built on stilts (hanging feet). They usually have two or three storeys with the lower floors used to store goods and livestock. The architectural style has been driven by the desire to maximise the best land for agriculture leaving the worst and most difficult terrain for building homes. This required the homes to be built on steep slopes unsuitable for agriculture; hence the stilts to support their structure. Alexander's Pattern No.104 aims to minimise damage to the land saying, "On no account place buildings in the places which are most beautiful". For a thorough introduction to the many site considerations we recommend the book, 'The Earth Care Manual', Chapter 7 and other chapters.


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