This is how the Natural Homes website works...


The Natural Homes Journey

We have three publication timelines on Natural Homes, one about natural building, one about natural living and one [new as of May 2015] about off-grid homesteading. The 28 most recent posts are displayed on each timeline as pictures like the ones below. Earlier posts are available as a random selection that you can shuffle until something catches your eye. If you are looking for something specific then you can use the search field in the menu above.


Nine types of journey on Natural Homes

A single picture is a sort article that's quick to read.

Videos are represented by a picture with a video button.

Several pictures together are longer life-style articles.

A pair of hands is a 'hands-on' article written by an expert.

Pictures with 1,2,3 is a step-by-step gallery of homes being built or craft work being made.

A picture with a Follow, Join or Find button is an invitation to a social media site or service.

Pictures with an info button i top right give data information e.g. nutrition data.

Pictures with a Facebook logo bottom right are links to members of our register.

Pictures with a logo top left is a link to a Natural Homes Associate's website.


Our Facebook Groups

Each of the timelines has its own facebook group. These are Talking Natural Homes (where we talk about natural building, natural materials and architecture), The Kitchen Table (where we chat about healthy living, natural foods, natural cosmetics and generally natural living) and Permahome (where we discuss living sustainably on the land, management of water, waste and energy.).

Natural Homes on Social Media

As well as our Facebook groups we also share things on Facebook, Google+, Twitter and Pinterest. You will find their logos in the menu above, top right. You can also enjoy Natural Homes on Facebook in fourteen languages. You will find each of the languages via their international two letter language code in the menu above e.g. Croatian [hr] and also on this website e.g. Spanish [es].


Finding a picture to share in social media

As well as the usual social media LIKE buttons e.g. Facebook and Google+ you will also find a collection of buttons placed just above the left of each article picture. The collection varies from article to article. The full collection is shown here.

1. The button gives you an idea about the popularity of the picture on our Facebook page.
2. The picture has an associated video.
3. This button takes you to the same picture in Facebook for you to share or comment there.
4. The picture has been tweeted for you to retweet.
5. The picture has been posted in Google+ for you to share, +1 and comment.
6. The home in the picture can be seen on Google's Street View or Satellite View.
7. There is a discussion about the article in one of the Natural Homes groups.
8. Find more on another website.
9. Find more on a Facebook page or profile.
10. The article is tagged, click this to see more articles with the same tag, e.g. cob homes.
11. There is more about the same house in a life-style article on Natural Homes.
12. This button takes you to a member's work in the Natural Homes Market Place.
13. There is an article written by an expert about how to build this type of home.
14. You can see the steps in the construction of this home.
15. See the inside and outside views of the building (dark blue current view)
16. There are multiple pictures e.g. Russian dacha.


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the picture is published on Facebook


the picture is published on Twitter


the picture is published on Google +


see it on Street View


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more on a facebook page or profile


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find out more about it on Natural Homes


the natural homes market place


find out how to build it


see the construction steps


see the inside and outside views


multiple versions
to select and share